Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creating a client from WCF service.. converting LIST<> to Array[]

A was getting the problem while downloading the contracts using the svcutil.exe, it was converting the List<> to Array[]. It happens because svcutil consider all lists to be array

So there is an option to download the List<> as well.

svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:g
eneratedProxy.cs /ct:System.Collections.Generic.List`1

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update panel scroll problem solved

I have an updatepanel control in the middle of a page, and i have a link at the top of the same page. I refresh the updatepanel by clicking the link ;however, i want the updatepanel to scroll into view as well. My javascript scrollintoview method didnt work because updatepanel tries to keep the last position of the page after it is refreshed. So i searched google and found this script and added it to my page. It worked.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How to spoof a domain a domain name on your localhost

Some time we need to check the live code on our local host and there are many API calls which works only on verified domains names, and when you run the same code on your localhost, those calls fails.

So there is an alternative to that. You can change the localhost name to original verified domain name. Thats called domain spoofing.

To do that, Just find the hosts file in your windows directory. Usually its available at following location


Open this file, you will see an entry for localhost, change localhost name to domain name you want to spoof.

Easy ... Right...

Friday, January 21, 2011

How to transfer data from CSV file to SQL


First you need to create a table with similar number of columns (recommended), then create a format file from the table (using the bcp utility, already discussed in previous post), and then run the following command in sql management studio.

bulk insert tablename
from 'SourcetextfileCompletepath'
with (formatfile='formatfilelocation')